Wretched Mothers from Diablo III use the "smaller zombie" method of this to act as Mook Makers, as well as the "gob of acid" method to directly attack.Said spit causes heavy damage and messes up the player's aim for a short period of time.
The Vomitron from Dead Trigger 2 is a Special Zombie that attacks by expectorating red spit at the player.Pukers play this more straight, with the short-ranged jet of acid and all. Spitters and Pukers from Dead Space 2.Female Slashers and legless Brutes from Dead Space, although it's more akin to an organic grenade.Queen Zombies and Gas Zombies from Dead Rising vomit infected blood.Dark Watch has Oozers which are fat zombies that launch their puke at you.Vahzilok zombies, Apocalypse zombies, and Mastermind pet zombies in City of Heroes all have acid vomit attacks.Zombie prince Erik from Breath of Death VII has a technique that lets him puke at enemies to inflict poison.Defilers from The Zombie Island of Doctor Ned DLC for Borderlands use this most prominently, but most of the setting's zombies can every so often.Bloated Butchers (the fat zombies) from Blood hack out a gob of green bile at medium to close range.